The American Story

United States located in the middle of the North American continent, bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. Country United States stretching from the Atlantic Ocean on the east coast to the Pacific Ocean on the west coast, including the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean, the state of Alaska in the north end of the American continent, and several other territories.

Having long been a British colony, the United States became independent on July 4, 1776 after fighting against the British. July 4, then celebrated as the anniversary of the United States who later embraced the principles of democracy and republican form of government.

American history is the collective history of North America, Central America, the Caribbean and South America. American history begins with human migration from Asia during the Ice Age. The group is isolated from the "Old World" until the arrival of Europeans in the 10th century and the 15.

Native American ancestral hunters and gatherers who migrated to North America. The most popular theory states that migrants come to America via the Bering Land Bridge, Beringia, now the Bering Strait.

North America from 1750 to 2008.

Dianggal advanced civilization in America is: Cahokia, Zapotec, Toltek, Olmek, Maya, Aztec, Purepecha, Chimor, and Inka.

United States is made up of 13 former British colony after the American Revolution after the declaration of independence on July 4, 1776. At its origin, its political structure was a confederation. But after a long debate and the formation of the American Constitution, the colony was finally agreed to form alliance countries.

In the 19th century, U.S. forces spread across the continent of North America. Through coercion, military force and diplomacy, the United States obtained many other states inside and outside the country such as Cuba and the Philippines. Even so, this country experienced the worst social problems. In an effort to develop the white people's territory, the native Indians have been victimized. Through military force, destruction, removal of the reservation as well as regional development, the native Indians had been removed. In the south, there's still the system of slavery with the blacks as second class citizens. Discrimination against colored people is one of the causes of civil war between the states-states of North and South. Although the system of slavery had been abolished after the defeat of Southern states, racial discrimination continue to reign so that the mid-20th century.

During that era, the country is moving forward into a world industrial power, which berterusan so into the 20th century, known as the American Century or the glories of the American Century. In this century, the expanding American influence in the international arena and become the leading center of innovation and technology in the world at that time. Some of the donated technology, including phone, television, computer, Internet, nuclear weapons, airplanes and space trips.

This country has experienced some bitter experiences such as the American Civil War (1861-1865) and the collapse of a bad economy as "Great Depression" (1929-1939) who not only hit the U.S. in fact almost the entire world. Recent experience is the most pathetic attacks 9 / 11 on 11 September 2001 at the World Trade Center, New York, where nearly three thousand people were killed due to terrorist attacks.

In terms of history, this country has been involved in several major world wars, the War of 1812 against England, and also with England berpakta during World War I and World War II. In the 1960s Americans were involved in the Cold War against another great power as well as the influence that Soviet communism. In an effort to stem the spread of communism in Asia, the United States in the Korean War, Vietnam and recently in Afghanistan. After the Soviet collapse and disintegration, the U.S. got into an economic and military strength of the strongest in the world. During the 1990s, the United States proclaimed itself as the world police and army action in Kosovo, Haiti, Somalia and Liberia, and the First Gulf War against Iraq that invaded Kuwait. After the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 at the World Trade Center and Pentagon, the U.S. launched a counterattack against the Taliban in Afghanistan and dropping the country there and in 2003 launched the Second Gulf War against Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein's regime.

Atlantis Story

Map of Atlantis by Athanasius Kircher. On the map, Atlantis is located in the middle of Ocean Atlantik.Atlantis, Atalantis, or Atlantika (Greek: Ἀτλαντὶς νῆσος, "island of Atlas") is a legendary island first mentioned by Plato in Timaeus and Critias book.

In her notes, Plato wrote that Atlantis stretched "along the pillars of Hercules". Atlantis was a naval power that conquered Western Europe and Africa 9,000 years before the time of Solon, or roughly around the year 9500 BC. After a failed attempt to attack Greece, Atlantis sank into the ocean "in just one day one night."

Atlantis is generally regarded as a myth created by Plato to illustrate his political theories. Despite the obvious function of the Atlantis story by most scholars, they were debating whether and how much Plato's account was inspired by older traditions. Some scholars say that Plato described the events that have been passed, such as the Thera eruption or the Trojan war, while others insist that he took inspiration from contemporary events like the destruction of Helike in 373 BC or the failed Athenian invasion of Sicily in 415-413 BC.

Possible existence of Atlantis widely discussed during the classical era, but are usually rejected and occasionally parodied. Atlantis story is less known diving Middle Ages, but, in the modern era, the story of Atlantis was rediscovered. Plato's description inspired the works of Renaissance writers, such as "New Atlantis" by Francis Bacon. Atlantis Juka's literature, from science fiction to comic books and movies. His name has become a byword for any and all civilizations prehistoric but advanced (and lost).


Aristoteles.Dua Plato and Plato's dialogues, Timaeus and Critias, written in 360 BC, contains references to Atlantis. Plato's Critias was never completed due to an unknown reason, however, the scholar Benjamin Jowett called among other states that Plato originally planned a third dialogue titled Hermocrates. John V. Luce assumes that Plato - after describing the origin of the world and mankind in Timaeus, and the perfect society of ancient Athens and its successful defense against an antagonistic Atlantis in Critias - would have created a strategy of Hellenic civilization during their conflict with the barbarians a subject of discussion in Hermocrates.

The four characters that appear in the second note is a politician Critias and Hermocrates and also philosophers Socrates and Timaeus, although only the Critias who spoke of Atlantis. Although all the characters are historical figures (only three of the first who brought), the note may be a work of fiction of Plato. In his written works, Plato uses Socrates dialogue to discuss the opposite position in the context of estimates.

Plato & Aristotle

Timaeus begins with the opening, followed by the note creation and structure of the universe and ancient civilizations. In the opening section, Socrates pondered about the perfect community, described in Plato's Republic, and wonder if he and his guests can recall a story that exemplifies these civilizations.

In the book Timaeus, Plato recounts:

"In front of Mainstay Haigelisi Strait, there is a very large island, from there you can go to other islands, in front of the islands is completely surrounded by land sea ocean, it is the kingdom of Atlantis. When the new Atlantis will launch a major war with Athens, but unexpectedly, Atlantis has a sudden onset of earthquakes and floods, not until the day and night, completely submerged in the seabed, beyond the great state of high civilization, disappeared overnight. "

Critias mentions an allegedly historical tale that would make the perfect example, and follows by describing Atlantis. In his account, ancient Athens to represent the "perfect society" and Atlantis its opponent, representing the very antithesis of the perfect features described in the Republic. Critias claims that his accounts of ancient Athens and Atlantis wing from a visit to Egypt by the poet of Athens, Solon in the 6th century BC. In Egypt, Solon met a priest of Sais, who translated the history of ancient Athens and Atlantis, recorded on papyri in Egyptian hieroglyphs, into Greek. According to Plutarch, Solon met with "Psenophis Heliopolis, and Sonchis Saite, the most studied of all the priests" (Life of Solon). 500 years since the distance between Plutarch and events are as an excuse or a pretext, and because this information does not exist in the Timaeus and Critias, this identification is questionable.

According to Critias, the Hellenic gods divide the land so that each god might have; Poseidon inherited the island of Atlantis. The island was larger than Libya and Asia Minor kuna a densely packed, but it will sink because of the earthquake and a number of mud that can not be skipped, blocking the way crossing the ocean. The Egyptians described Atlantis as an island located about 700 miles, mostly consists of mountains in the north and along the coast, and melinkungi square-shaped meadow in the south "down in one direction three thousand stadia (about 600 km), but in the middle about two thousand stadia (400 kilometers).

Poseidon works of Bronzino (1503-1572) Women's original Atlantis named Cleito (daughter of Evenor and Leucippe) lived here. Poseidon fall in love with her, then marry the young girl and gave birth to five pairs of male twins. Poseidon divided the island into 10 regions, each of which delivered in 10 children. Oldest son, Atlas, became king of the island and surrounding ocean (called the Atlantic Ocean in honor of Atlas). The name "Atlantis" also comes from the name, the location would necessarily mean "island of Atlas".

Poseidon carved the mountain where his girlfriend lived into the palace and closed it with three circular trench width increases, varying from one to three stadia and separated by an amount proportional to the ground ring. The Atlanteans then built bridges northward from the mountains, making the route to the rest of the island. They dug a great canal to the sea, and alongside the bridges carved tunnels into the rings of rock so that ships could pass into the city around the mountain, they made the wharf of stone wall trench. Every road into the city guarded by gates and towers, and walls around each ring of the city. Wall built of red rocks, white and black coming from the ditch, and were covered with brass, tin and Orichalcum (bronze or brass).

According to Critias, 9,000 years before the birth, the war took place between those outside the Pillars of Hercules (generally thought to Strait of Gibraltar), and those who dwelt in the pillar. The Atlanteans had conquered Egypt and Libya, as far as European continent as far Tyrrhenia, and made its inhabitants slaves. The Athenians led an alliance against the empire of Atlantis, and as the alliance disintegrated, Athens against the empire of Atlantis itself, liberating the occupied lands. However, later, came the earthquake and floods in Atlantis, and in just one day one night, the island of Atlantis sank and disappeared.

Other ancient records
Timaeus and Critias addition, there are no ancient records of Atlantis, which means every other records of Atlantis based on Plato's account.

Many ancient philosophers viewed Atlantis as fiction, including (according to Strabo) Aristotle. However, there are philosophers, geographers and historians who believed in the existence of Atlantis. Crantor philosopher, pupil of a pupil of Plato, Xenocrates, tried to find evidence of the existence of Atlantis. His work, comments on the Timaeus, is lost, but another ancient historian, Proclus, reports that Crantor traveled to Egypt and found the column to the history of Atlantis written in hieroglyphs letters. Plato never mentioned the column. According to the Greek philosopher, Solon saw the Atlantis story in a different source that can be "taken for granted."

Another part of the 5th century comment on the Timaeus Proclus gives geographic descriptions of Atlantis. According to them, there are seven islands in the sea at the time, sacred to Persephone, and also three others of enormous size, one of which was sacred to Pluto, another to Ammon, and the last of them to Poseidon, the extent of thousands of stadia. Population-they add-keep memories of their ancestors on the big island of Atlantis had existed and been in charge of all the islands in the Atlantic sea, sacred to Poseidon. Now, it has been written in Aethiopica Marcellus. " Marcellus still not identified.

Other ancient historians and philosophers believing in the existence of Atlantis were Strabo and Posidonius.

Plato's Atlantis also has inspired several imitations parodik: only a few decades after the Timaeus and Critias, the historian of Chios Theopompus writes about area called Meropis. This description was included in Book 8 Philippica, which contains a dialogue between King Midas and Silenus, companion of Dionysus. Silenus describes Meropids, a race of men who grow to twice normal size, and inhabit two cities on the island Meropis (Cos?): Eusebes (Εὐσεβής, "Pious-town") and Machimos (Μάχιμος, "city-Battle"). He also reported that an army of ten million soldiers crossed the ocean to conquer Hyperborea, but abandoned this proposal when they realized that the people of Hyperborea is the luckiest people in the world. Heinz-Günther Silenus Nesselrath states that the story is a replica of the Atlantis story, for the purpose of exposing Plato's ideas to ridicule.

Zoticus, a philosopher Neoplatonist third century, wrote a poem based on Plato's Atlantis.

Fourth-century historian, Ammianus Marcellinus, based on the work Timagenes (1st century historian SM) is missing, writes that the Druids of Gaul said that part of the inhabitants of Gaul had migrated there from distant islands. Ammianus records considered by some as a claim that when Atlantis sank, its inhabitants fled to western Europe; but Ammianus says that "Drasidae (Druid) calls back that portion of the population is indigenous, but others also migrated from the islands and territories across the Rhine" ( Res Gestae 15.9), a sign that the immigrants came to Gaul from the north and east, not from the Atlantic Ocean.

Hebrew treatise on astronomical calculations in the year 1378/79, which is a paraphrase of the early Islamic works that are not known, the mythology of Atlantis mentioned in discussions concerning the determination of longitude zero point calculations.

Modern records

Map shows area of the Empire of Atlantis. Map created by Ignatius L. Donnelly.Novel Francis Bacon in 1627, The New Atlantis (New Atlantis), describing a utopian community called Bensalem, located on the west coast of America. The characters in this novel gives a history of Atlantis that is similar to Plato. It is not clear whether Bacon means North or South America.

Novels by Isaac Newton in 1728, The Chronology of the Ancient Kingdoms Amended (Growing Old Kingdom Chronology), explore different relationships with Atlantis mythology.

In the mid and late 19th century, some Mesoamerican scholars, starting with Charles Etienne Brasseur de Bourbourg, and including Edward Herbert Thompson and Augustus Le Plongeon, states that Atlantis was related to Mayan and Aztec.

Ignatius L. Donnelly.
Edgar Cayce.Pada in 1882, Ignatius L. Donnelly publication of Atlantis: The Antediluvian World. His work has attracted many people of Atlantis. Donnelly took Plato's account of Atlantis seriously and stated that all known ancient civilizations comes from its high Neolithic culture.

During the late 19th century, ideas about the legend of Atlantis coupled with stories of other lost continents such as Mu and Lemuria. Helena Blavatsky, "the New Age Movement Grandma", wrote in The Secret Doctrine (Secret Doctrine), that the Atlanteans were cultural heroes (contrary to Plato who describes them as a military threat), and "Root Race" to-4, which is transmitted by "Aryan Race". Rudolf Steiner wrote of the cultural evolution of Mu or Atlantis. Famous physicist, Edgar Cayce, Atlantis was first mentioned in 1923, and later explained that the location of Atlantis was in the Caribbean, and claimed that Atlantis is a high evolved ancient civilization, has now sunk, which has ships and planes to use the energy in the form of mysterious energy crystals . He also predicted that parts of Atlantis would rise in 1968 or 1969. Bimini Road, found by Dr.J Manson Valentine, is a submerged rock formation that looks like a road on the north side of North Bimini Islands. This road was discovered in 1968 and is claimed as evidence of a lost civilization and is still being investigated.

It has been claimed that before the year 250 BC Eratosten era, the Greek writer states that the location of Pillar of Hercules was in the Strait of Sicily, but there is not enough evidence to prove it. According to Herodotus (circa 430 BC), the expedition had sailed around the African definition of pharaoh Necho command, sailed to the southern Red Sea and Indian Ocean and the north in the Atlantic, re-entering the Mediterranean through the Pillars of Hercules. His description of the northwest African explains that he located the Pillars of Hercules with the pillars of Hercules right where they are located today. The belief that the pillars of Hercules which had been placed at the Strait of Sicily by Eratosthenes, has been quoted in several theories of Atlantis.

[Edit] Nationalist Idea
Atlantis interesting concept berhatian Nazi theorists. In 1938, Heinrich Himmler organized a search in Tibet to find the rest of the Atlanteans white. According to Julius Evola (Revolt Against the Modern World, 1934), the Atlanteans were superhuman (Übermensch) Hyperborea-Nordic from the North Pole (see Thule). Alfred Rosenberg (The Myth of the Twentieth Century, 1930) also speaks of the head race "Nordic-Atlantis" or "Aryan-Nordic".

[Edit] recent hypothesis
With the theory of continental drift was widely accepted during the 1960s, most theories of "Lost Continent" Atlantis began to dwindle in popularity. Some recent theorists have suggested that elements of Plato's story from early mythology.

[Edit] Hypothesis location
Location of suspected location of Atlantis is

Crete and Santorini
Near Cyprus
Middle East
Azores Islands
Edge of the Bahamas and the Caribbean
Black Sea
Canary Islands and Cape Verde
Isla de la Juventud near Cuba
North Sea
Estremadura, Portugal

So versatile little history of civilization of Atlantis.

Poin for USD

Many wonder, how can be a number of 85,000 drop in net income and earnings downward when the dollar after the introduction in December NFP number of these occurred last Friday. In fact, even if the pointer is significantly lower than the estimate that has been projected motionless, apparently, was the market was not so much emphasis on repairing the main character. Instead, a change in the November-analysis, which officially made to increase stroke in a month to 4000 a milestone that many entrepreneurs have been longing. The first encouraging increase in the evolution of the U.S. labor market in two years, provides a clear purpose in concrete is to find a similar company, he breakeven. If there is a greater buoyancy, which would rally in risk appetite have been more than well. But now this obstacle has been eased and the market is able to move forward. What is needed is a catalyst dollars for an escape from the company that has the entire range of the last three weeks to grow.

USD Trading Forex

Some issues will be discussed here, is reduced to 1.60 euros? and perhaps the GBP in the levels from 1.97 to 1.98 and higher?

The weak U.S. dollar

The U.S. dollar was significantly weaker than last week, the price of oil has shown the weaknesses of the economy of the United States. Companies are starting to fight and was forced to deal with more creative ways to address the energy crisis. With prices of crude oil hit $ 135 a barrel and gasoline in many countries at the top of $ 4 a gallon, are American companies, which cuts across the board. Ford Motor Co., for instance, plans to reduce production costs, while American Airlines is lowering capacity by 15 percent and the addition of pocket expenses. After the futures market, some traders expect the same gas prices hit $ 7-8 per gallon. But the U.S. is not the only one with the oil crisis, one of the main reasons why the dollar has weakened a lot. In recent weeks the market had been slow to amount to a breach of the Federal Reserve. At the same time, there was a growing consensus that other central banks may need to begin or continue to lower interest rates. Rising oil prices and comments from the hawks in the ECB, the Bank of England and the Reserve Bank of Australia has radically changed the outlook of these central banks. With strict inflation targeting, traders realized that the interest rate for these three countries remain unchanged for the foreseeable future and therefore the exchange rate adjusted for these expectations. Next week, the vulnerability of the U.S. economy has become even clearer. U.S. markets are closed for Memorial Day Monday, but we still have a busy week with consumer confidence, new home sales, durable goods in the first quarter GDP, personal income, spending personal and Chicago PMI for approval. We anticipate that most of these numbers on a dollar bearish as U.S. consumers continue to be under the weight of the deterioration of the struggle of personal finance.

EUR: Going back to 1.60 and a little more?
The staging a dramatic recovery euro against the dollar last week as hawkish comments from European Central Bank fueled speculation that rising rates may be just around the corner. Although we believe that higher rates would be a drastic measure, the stability of the euro area, recent economic data was encouraging, as the market focus going concern for growth, inflation. Earlier this week, German business confidence in May showed a surprising improvement. Today, PMI explain why German companies are not worried. Service and manufacturing PMI numbers have deteriorated compared to the previous month, but remain on the territory expansion. Next week, it may be, rather than data U. S. Euro zone economy, the euro / dollar pair to help Customs to 1.60. The only significant reports of the euro area, German employment, Retail PMI and German retail sales. We expect the labor market in Germany to improve further because the employment component of manufacturing PMI report actually accelerated this month. Meanwhile, there is also a busy week for Switzerland, the output will be their job, UBS and consumption KOF leading indicator reports. The currency has a very good performance against the Japanese yen last week, and it remains to be seen whether this strength can continue.

Then the pound sterling to hold their gains?
It has been a great week for the pound, more than 300 pips against the U.S. dollar exchanged. pleasant surprises in economic data and hawks confirmed the minutes of its last monetary policy meeting, that there be months before we see another rate cut by the Bank of England. In fact, for all practical purposes, perhaps the next stage of the BoE to raise interest rates. Unlike the U.S., the Bank of England a strict inflation target and if inflation over 3 percent, the Governor of the Central Bank is obliged to declare a letter to the Chancellor why inflation has risen and the time framework for the layout of the inflation target. Earlier this month, consumer prices rose to 3 percent per year, and now, the BoE everything they can to inflation under control. The stability of recent economic data has helped their cause as long as the economy does not fall into a downward spiral. No major economic data due for release next week is the British pound, a chance to share its profits, until it has surprisingly strong U.S. data.

Week in Australia, New Zealand and Canadian dollars
Rising commodity prices, the story of the week, helping to take Australia, New Zealand and Canadian dollars higher. The Australian has risen to 24 a year sitting on the scope of an arm to hit parity against the dollar. Rising inflationary pressures and the strengthening of economic data suggests the RBA is much closer to an increase in the rate of all other major central banks. We do not believe they are ready to raise interest rates, but monetary policy tightening could be a last option. The absence of significant economic data next week is the action of CAD and NZD. Canada will release its current account and GDP, while New Zealand will report its trade balance.

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